
    Effect of Long-Term Returning Straw to Soil on Soil Fertility

    • 摘要: 以山东省黄河冲积平原低肥力潮土为供试土壤。14年缸栽定位试验结果表明,长期秸秆还田改善了土壤的理化性状。土壤有机质、孔隙度、速效氮、锌、铁、锰、酶活性等理化指标与秸秆还田量呈显著正相关;与土壤容重呈负相关;并与气候、作物生长季节、土壤质地等因素有关。秸秆还田与化肥配施改土培肥效果更佳


      Abstract: Study was carried out on Fluvo aquic soil of low fertility coming from Huanghe River plain for 14 years. The results show that the long term returning straw to soil changes soil properties. Soil organic matter, soil porosity, availible N,Zn,Fe,Mn and enzyme are all positively related to the amount of straw applied remarkably, while soil specific weight is negatively correlative. These indexes are affected by climate, plant growth seasons and soil texture, etc. The result of combination use of straw and fertilizer is better.


