
    Risk and Control Measures of Soil Salinity by Using Brackish Water for Maize Irrigation

    • 摘要: 在光、温、水对作物生产力影响模型的基础上,增加了基于统计经验方法的描述性盐分模拟模块,并利用田间试验数据对模型进行了检验,计算了不同气候年型和各种灌溉方案下浅层地下水灌溉对产量的影响和次生盐渍化风险度。结果显示,在生长季只需1次灌溉的前提下利用咸水灌溉几乎没有风险,但生长季需2次以上灌溉时,就需咸、淡水轮灌,生长季结束后还需利用淡水灌溉洗盐。


      Abstract: The descriptive model of soil salt movement was added to water-limited model and calibrated by using experimental data. The risk analysis of soil salinity under different irrigation schemes by using brackish water for maize revealed the influences of irrigation water quality and soil salinity level on crop yield potentials. The generated results suggest that there is no salinity hazard to the use of shallow ground water for irrigation if only once irrigation is needed during the crop season. If more than twice irrigations are needed, it is preferable to alternate applications of (poor quality) shallow and (fresh) deep ground water followed by leaching of the soil with deep ground water after harvest.


