
    Research and Development of Monitoring and Controling System WJK-Ⅱ for Environment in Solar Greenhouse

    • 摘要: 工厂化农业生产设施中采用的自动监控技术是我国急待发展的项目。该文研究开发了一个日光温室环境监控系统,以实现对日光温室内温度、湿度、光照度等关键环境因子的监测。WJK-Ⅱ系统具备1通道温度闭环开关量控制;1通道恒温控制;1通道湿度闭环开关量控制;1通道光照度闭环开关量控制;4通道定时器控制,可根据需要用于定时灌溉、定时加温和补光等设备的控制。同时,监控仪根据需要设置各环境因子启动阈值实现声音报警。与管理计算机联网通讯,实现检测数据上传,自动建立数据库文件,实现计算机智能控制。


      Abstract: Advanced and automatic monitoring and controlling technology could be adopted in industrialized agricultural production, and be vigorously developed in China. At present, very few places were equipped with environmentally monitoring and controlling system. Considering the demands of greenhouse production at present in China, a solar greenhouse environmental monitoring and controlling system was developed to fulfill the task of monitoring and controlling the key environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and lightness that have a strong influence on the crop growth in a solar greenhouse.


