朱德明, 陈民, 李珠柱, 邓瑶筠, 喻孟君, 尹平. 芒果热水处理和人工催熟对其质量的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2002, 18(3): 139-141.
    引用本文: 朱德明, 陈民, 李珠柱, 邓瑶筠, 喻孟君, 尹平. 芒果热水处理和人工催熟对其质量的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2002, 18(3): 139-141.
    Zhu Deming, Chen Min, Li Zhuzhu, Deng Yaojun, Yu Mengjun, Yin Ping. Effect of Mango Hot Water Treatment and Artificial Ripening on Its Quality[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2002, 18(3): 139-141.
    Citation: Zhu Deming, Chen Min, Li Zhuzhu, Deng Yaojun, Yu Mengjun, Yin Ping. Effect of Mango Hot Water Treatment and Artificial Ripening on Its Quality[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2002, 18(3): 139-141.


    Effect of Mango Hot Water Treatment and Artificial Ripening on Its Quality

    • 摘要: 在国际标准中禁止采用芒果催熟措施,而我国近年来仍大量使用芒果催熟措施。模拟试验发现,成熟度为60%~90%的芒果经人工催熟后,在4~8 d内可达到软熟,其可溶性固形物含量、pH值两项指标与成熟度之间有较大差异,其口感与其外观、成熟度之间也有较大差异,而芒果的外观颜色、果肉硬度与其成熟度之间却无明显差异。热水处理芒果可获得均匀一致的果皮与果肉颜色和较高的可溶性固形物与pH值,保持了较高的芒果品质。人工催熟芒果明显降低了芒果品质,而未处理果由于在后熟期间受芒果病虫害的侵蚀,难于达到较高的品质,因此,建议应加强推广芒果采后热水处理技术。


      Abstract: Fruit ripening of mango by artificial treatment is prohibited based on the relevant international standard, but it is still applied in commercial field in China. The simulating experiments were conducted, the main experimental results were as follows. Mango, at maturity index from 60%~90%, treated by artificial methods, reaches a state of over mature in 4~8 days. The differences between treated and controled mangoes in soluble solid content and pH values are markedly large with different maturity indexes. Furthermore, the differences between treated and controled mangoes in taste and the appearance are large, while the differences in peel color and hardness are not large. Hot water treatment can make the color of both peel and pulp homogeneous. The soluble solid content and pH values are higher than those non-hot-treated fruit. Artificial ripening also results in a poor quality, whereas fruits without any artificial treatment have high decay rates because they are easily infected by pathogens during ripening. Thus, hot water treatment as a commercial postharvest technology of mango fruit is recommended here.


