
    Physiological Changes in Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables and Their Quality Controlling Strategies

    • 摘要: 适度加工果蔬由于受到机械伤害产生伤响应加速了组织的生理劣变进程。该文从适度加工引起的机械效应、组织产生的短期的局部生理效应(产生伤信号、膜去极化、膜组分解离)、后期的整体生理效应(乙烯呼吸变化、蛋白合成改变、伤愈合,次生代谢加强)等方面作了评述。并对控制果蔬劣变的相应技术措施即材料选择、低温贮藏、气调贮藏、优化加工工艺、化学药剂处理以及物理措施等进行了探讨。


      Abstract: Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are important part of food industry and this part increases rapidly in recent years. However, fresh-cut products are more perishable than the intact fruits and vegetables due to the physical injury and physiological responses to wounding. The advances on the physical effects of wounding, the possible wounding signals, and the subsequent events of tissue to wounding such as elevation of respiration and ethylene production, enhancement of wounding healing and secondary metabolism, etc are comprehensively summarized. Several strategical approaches to control or to alleviate those detrimental responses including raw material selection, processing line optimum, chemical and physical treatments, low temperature storage, and modified atmosphere storage are also illustrated and discussed.


