
    Key Technologies of Crop Monitoring Using Remote Sensing at a National Scale: Progress and Problems

    • 摘要: 我国作物的遥感监测已有20年的研究历史。但象中国这样国土辽阔、地形多样、种植结构复杂、农户规模小的国家的国家级农情遥感监测运行系统,在关键技术方面仍然需要加强研究。这些关键技术包括:数据处理、作物识别、面积量算、长势监测、灾害评估、产量估计及运行系统集成等。该文根据作者开发农业部农情遥感监测系统的经验,分析存在的问题,提出解决问题的基本思路。


      Abstract: There are over 20 years' research experience for remote sensing used in crop monitoring in North America, European counties and China. A crop monitoring system using remote sensing has been developed and used by China Ministry of Agriculture. As China is a large country with complicated landscape, multi-crop systems and small family farms and the government needs operational system at a national scale, many key techniques still need researching. The main issues discussed in this paper include remote sensing data processing, crop discrimination, crop area measurement, crop condition assessment, disaster monitoring, yield estimation, and operational system development. Based on the authors' experience, the progress, problems and the main ideas for solutions of the operational system development at a national scale are discussed in this paper.


