
    Analysis of U-Shaped Channel Flow Measurement Flume Properties and Selection

    • 摘要: U形渠道抛物线形喉口式量水槽、直壁式量水槽、长喉道圆底形量水槽具有与U形渠道自然衔接,无底坎,不淤堵的优点,适合在多泥沙U形渠道中应用,该文采用模拟方法,系统分析了这3种量水槽在不同尺寸、底坡和糙率条件下的U形渠道的适应性、壅水高度、工程量及其量水精度等技术指标,结果表明:抛物线形喉口式量水槽的适用面广、工程量小、壅水高度较低,量水精度与其它两种量水槽的量水精度相当, 能满足灌溉测流要求。因此,在多泥沙U形渠道测流时应优先选择抛物线形喉口式量水槽。


      Abstract: Using simulation method, the applicability, backwater height, cerement volume, flow measuring precise of vertical wall, parabolic thin-plate, circle flume types of U-shaped channel flow measurement are analyzed. The results show that the parabolic thin-plate flume which has extensive applicability, small backwater height, less cerement volume, high measuring precise for small U-shaped channel flow measurement, is the optimal flow measurement flume for U-shaped channel in muddy irrigation district.


