
    Effect of Machine Transplanting Methods on Rice Population Growth Trends

    • 摘要: 为了研究不同的机械移栽方式导致水稻产量及主要性状差异的机理,以平盘育苗机械插秧、钵盘育苗机械抛秧和摆秧(以下简称机插秧、机抛秧和机摆秧)3种机械移栽方式和3个不同的水稻品种,进行了水稻田间栽培对比试验,对水稻群体主要生育动态指标进行了分析比较,结果表明:钵盘育苗较平盘育苗健壮、素质好,并可实现浅植,移栽过程中植伤轻、返青快、分孽早;机摆秧既发挥了钵盘育苗的优势又实现了有序移栽,水稻群体生理、生育动态指标最佳;3种机械移栽方式的水稻群体生理、生育动态指标排序与产量排序一致,即机摆秧好于机插秧,机插秧好于机抛秧。


      Abstract: Through the field cultivation experiments of three kinds of rice under three machine transplanting methods which were pliable tray-seedling and machine transplant (PLMT), pot tray-seedling and machine scattering transplanting (POMST) and pot tray-seedling and machine transplanting (POMT), respectively, the main growth characteristics and trends of rice population were studied and analyzed. The results show that the seedling in POMST and POMT were healthy, revived and tillered early and fast after transplant; POMT had the advantage over PLMT and POMST, which resulted in the rice population growth better.


