
    Application of the Technology of Exhaust Gas Recirculation to a Diesel-Hot-Air Stove in Greenhouses

    • 摘要: 针对目前使用的温室柴油热风炉存在的热利用率低和排放污染问题,提出了利用废气再循环(EGR)技术来提高柴油热风炉热效率的方法,并研制出一种适用于温室内应用的全数字式智能监控柴油热风炉EGR热交换设备,并阐明了其结构及工作原理。试验结果表明,该方法引入的废气量最好为总进气量的50%~70%;当EGR率为60%时,与无EGR率比较时,可提高热利用率17.6%,节约了能源,并且还降低了排放污染。它是替代传统柴油热风炉加温方式的理想系统,适用于大多数柴油热风炉上。


      Abstract: The current thermal efficiency of a diesel-hot-air stove in a greenhouse was low and NOx emission was high. Based on the technology of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), a new method for increasing thermal efficiency of a diesel-hot-air stove from a greenhouse was proposed. The unique EGR heat-exchange system of a diesel-hot-air stove of all-digital microprocessor-controlled intelligently was developed in a greenhouse. The system, which could give the optimized EGR characteristics needed by diesel-hot-air stove test was developed. The structure and principle of this EGR heat-exchange system were also introduced. This method as well as its validity was proved by the diesel-hot-air stove tests. The optimized range of the EGR rate all the way is from 50% to 70%, if the EGR rate is 60%, the thermal utilization efficiency of the EGR heat-exchange system of the stove was enhanced by 17.6 % as compared with no EGR rate. The pollution of the environment was reduced by EGR system. It is ideal that the EGR heat-exchange system of a diesel-hot-air stove substitutes for traditional heating system. The EGR system is suitable for diesel-hot-air stove.


