
    Anisotropic Relaxation Properties of Pear

    • 摘要: 以松弛特性参数如平衡弹性模量、衰变弹性模量、粘滞系数和松弛时间为指标研究了梨果肉的各向松弛特性差异。总体而言,梨肉因取样部位、取样方向、取样深度等不同,松弛特性参数存在显著差异,朝向对各种参数影响不大。


      Abstract: The relaxation phenomena are the critical aspect of fruit rheological properties. Little detailed information is available on the nonhomophonous and anisotropic relaxation properties of fruits. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of specimen orientation and location with the pear on the equilibrium modulus, the decay modulus, relaxation time and specific viscosity in the relaxation model. The stress relaxation tests were performed on Dangshan pear using the Instron universal testing machine. The decay modulus, the equilibrium modulus, relaxation time and specific viscosity in the relaxation model are significantly influenced by specimen orientation, latitude, depth. The longitude of specimen and initial deformation are not significant.


