
    Storage Technology of Ginkgo Biloba Seed at Normal Atmospheric Temperature

    • 摘要: 为了探索银杏种子常温贮藏技术,研究了6种贮前处理方法对贮藏银杏种子质量及其生理的影响,其中以10 g/L亚硫酸氢钠溶液浸泡处理1 h,25℃贮藏30 d,失水率1.02%,硬化率0.52%,霉变率1.36%,胚长度3.50 mm,发芽率92.57%为最佳效果,而同期CK组霉变率89.14%,发芽率只有6.53%。针对银杏种子采后主要病原真菌,采用抑菌圈法筛选出施保功和抑霉唑为银杏种子贮藏保鲜的抑菌剂,其最适浓度分别为0.8 g/L和1.0 g/L,而且两者的抑制作用具有明显的互补性。含有0.8 g/L施保功和1.0 g/L抑霉唑的混合溶液浸泡处理银杏种子0.5 h,0.02 mm聚乙烯薄膜袋包装,于20℃,贮藏90 d,霉变率仅2.51%,远低于两者单独使用的霉变率,发芽率仍达到91.24%,硬化率、失水率及胚长度分别控制在2.65%、3.94%和4.36 mm。混合抑菌剂处理的银杏种子除脂肪酶活性上升37.08%外,其余各项生理指标均呈下降趋势,以呼吸强度(RI)下降69.92%最为显著。种子的呼吸衰老作用受到明显抑制。β-淀粉酶、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、果胶甲酯酶(PE)、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性虽有下降,但银杏种子仍保持较高的活力。


      Abstract: In order to study the storage technology of Ginkgo biloba seed at normal atmospheric temperature, the effects of six kinds of pre-storage methods on the quality and physiological characteristics of stored Ginkgo biloba seeds were studied. The results show that the effect of treatment by immersing the seeds in NaHSO3 solution with 10 g/L for 1 hour,and then storing at 25℃ for 30 days is the best. The water loss, hardening rate, rottening rate, length of embryo and germination capacity of the seeds treated are 1.02%, 0.52%, 1.36%, 3.5 mm and 92.57%, respectively, while 89.14% of rottening rate and only 6.53% of germination capacity from CK. On the other hand, two chemicals, Sporgon and Imazalil were selected by inhibition zone method as inhibitors towards main pathogenic fungi in post-harvest Ginkgo biloba seeds. Their optimal concentrations were 0.8 g/L and 1.0 g/L, respectively, and their obvious complementarity of inhibiting effect was observed. It was found that when the seeds were treated with mixing 0.8 g/L of Sporgon with 1.0 g/L of Imazalil for 30 minutes and then packed in 0.02 mm thick polyethylene bag at 20℃ for 90 days, the rottening rate was only 2.51%, which was much lower than that treated with one of them alone, but the germination capacity was still 91.24%, hardening rate, water loss and length of embryo were 2.56%, 3.94% and 4.36 mm, respectively. The results also indicated that the other physiological characteristics were all decreasing except for increasing by 37.08% of the lipase activity after the seeds were treated with mixed fungus inhibitor. The respiration intensity (RI) was most significantly decreasing by 69.92%. The vitality of Ginkgo biloba seeds was still strong although the RI of the seeds was inhibited remarkably, and catalase(CAT), pectinesterase(PE), polygalacturonase(PG) were slightly decreasing.


