
    Combined Technology of Kiwifruit Storage and Freshness-Keeping With Freshness-Keeping Reagent at Low Temperature and Modified Atmosphere

    • 摘要: 猕猴桃是呼吸跃变型果实,温度、乙烯和呼吸强度是影响贮藏寿命的主要因素,采用低温、限气和保鲜剂复合贮藏保鲜技术,贮温(0±0.5)℃,O2 2%~3%,CO2 4%~5%,KMnO4作乙烯吸收剂,简易库贮藏,可使其贮藏180 d以上,平均果实硬度 ≥2.5 kg/cm2,硬果率≥92%,商品果率≥96%,维生素C保存率≥80%,鲜度指数≥90%。贮后果实外观新鲜,果脐绿色,色、香、味、形俱佳。


      Abstract: Kiwifruit is a respiratory non-climacteric fruit. Temperature, ethylene and respiratory intensity are the main factors affecting storage. Using the technology of low temperature (0±0.5℃), modified atmosphere (2%~3% O2, 4%~5% CO2 ) and KMnO4 as absorbing ethylene. The kiwifruit can be stored over 180 days. The average hardness of freshness-keeping reagent fruit is larger than 2.5 kg/cm2. The percent of hard fruit is larger than 92%, the percent of commodity fruit is larger than 96%, vitamin C keeping percentage is larger than 80%, and the index of fresh degree is larger than 90%. The fruit is very fresh and its navel is green after storage. Its colour, smell, taste and shape are all good.


