
    Design of Sampling Method for Cotton Field Area Estimation Using Remote Sensing at a National Level

    • 摘要: 棉花是我国重要的经济作物之一,准确、及时地提供棉花的播种面积,对政府部门及时掌握棉花生产情况、制定相关调控政策,对棉花加工企业与棉农预测市场情况有重要意义。由于中巴卫星的应用,对新疆农情的及时遥感监测成为可能,从而使遥感监测可以覆盖全国。但是,考虑到中国东、中、西部县级面积相差很大,必须设计不同的抽样方法。在新疆棉花监测的抽样设计中,采用了标准地形图幅作为分层抽样的抽样单元的方法。在黄淮海、长江中下游棉区采用县为单元的分层抽样的方法,抽样样本用遥感调查的方法获得。设计了满足生产应用的全国作物面积遥感监测抽样运行方法。


      Abstract: Timely and accurate estimations of cotton field area at a national or provincial level are essential to management decisions of farmers and the government. As the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-1) was successfully launched in 1999, it is possible to monitor crops using remote sensing in the northwestern China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the cotton's annual acreage variation at a national level using remote sensing. A stratified sampling method is used to estimate the cotton field area in China and sampled data are collected by CBERS-1 images. Considering area of counties and crop fields is very different between the eastern and western China, different sampling units are used in the estimation. A 1∶250 00 standard map sheet (about 91 km2) is used as a sampling unit in the western China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and one county is used as a sampling unit in eastern China. The sampling method is operationally used in the crop monitoring system for the Ministry of Agriculture.


