
    Soil Conservation Planning at Small Watershed Level Using GIS-Based Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE)

    • 摘要: 通过遥感和野外调查进行信息采集,利用修正通用土壤流失方程(RUSLE)和IDRISI地理信息系统进行数据分析,获取了王家桥小流域土壤侵蚀的时空分布信息。根据土壤经济容许流失量(TEP)和水土保持规划原则,调整现有农地的利用方式或配置水土保持措施,即调整RUSLE中植被与经营管理因子(C)和水土保持措施因子(P)的值,完成流域农用地的水土保持规划。该研究提出的以RUSLE-GIS相耦合的水土保持规划工具比较简单实用。


      Abstract: Through data obtained from remote sensing and field surveys, the geographic information system(GIS) was used to develop conservation-oriented watershed management strategies on Wangjiaqiao Watershed. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) combined with IDRISI GIS software was applied to evaluate agricultural management strategies in terms of soil loss at the watershed. GIS allowed for easy assessment of the relative erosion hazard over the watershed under different land management options. The presented RUSLE-GIS model provides a robust soil conservation-planning tool readily transferable and accessible to other land managements.


