
    Reflection on the Main Contents and Countermeasures of Agricultural Engineering Science and Technology Innovation in China

    • 摘要: 农业工程科技创新和进步是我国农业现代化的必由之路。该文结合我国农业发展的新形势,分析了农业工程相关技术在实现农业从粗放型向集约型、传统型向现代型的根本性转变、应对加入WTO的挑战和推进农业现代化进程中的地位和作用,提出了加快种子工程技术、农副产品加工技术、农业资源合理利用技术、设施农业技术、农业机械化技术、农业信息化技术等方面的技术创新主要内容。为加强农业工程科技创新,建议当前需要突出做好转变观念、加快关键农业工程技术攻关、引进吸收国外先进的实用工程技术、充分发挥农业工程科技单位功能等方面的工作。


      Abstract: The innovation and advance of agricultural engineering science and technology is the only way to realize agricultural modernization of China. On the basis of the new situation of agricultural development of China, the status and roles of the related agricultural engineering technologies in realizing the two basic transformations, i.e. transformation from increasing use of land to expand production to intensive farming and from traditional agriculture to modernized agriculture, replying the challenges resulted from China's entry to the WTO and promoting the agricultural industrialization, are analyzed. The main contents of technological innovation in seed engineering technologies, agricultural products and by-products processing technologies, technologies for reasonable use of agricultural resources, facility agricultural technologies, agricultural mechanization technologies, agricultural information technologies, etc. are put forward. In order to promote agricultural engineering science and technology innovation, it is suggested that the following work should be emphatically done well, i.e. renewing the idea, speeding up tackling key problems of agricultural engineering technologies, introducing and assimilating foreign advanced practical engineering technologies, giving full play to the organizations, institutes, centers majored in agricultural engineering science and technology, etc.


