
    Issues of Working out National Greenhouse Standards

    • 摘要: 概括了我国温室工程标准化的历程和现状,强调提出制订我国温室工程标准应充分考虑幅员辽阔,气候类型多样的国情,不能照抄照搬国外的模式,必须根据中国的实际建立标准化体系,并提出温室专业名词标准和企业标准的制订应当先行。


      Abstract: The paper expounded the role of standardization on modern agricultural greenhouse and reviewed the development of greenhouse standardization in China. It is pointed out that working out a standard system of greenhouse in China must be consistent in the diversity of climate in the vast territory of China, and that the specialty term standards and enterprise standards must be made first as those are basis of all greenhouse standards.


