Innovative Approach to Utilizing Agro-organic Wastes and Chinese Ecological Agriculture
摘要: 农业面源污染已超过工业和生活污染,成为当前我国最大的污染源。而农业有机废弃物则是构成农业面源污染,特别是硝酸盐、磷和COD污染的主要来源,这与近年来大中型养殖场迅速发展而又未进行有效的排污处理有密切关系。利用沼气厌氧发酵有机废弃物获取并利用沼气是我国科技工作者在20世纪初的发明,70年代末又成为中国生态农业的物、能转化利用的关键性纽带。不仅能有效处理有机废弃物防治污染,而且是近年发展为增值和创造就业机会的有力手段,从而在政府补偿未解决和法制不健全的情况下,得以突破农户沼池总数的长期停滞局面。因此在中国,大中型养殖场有机废弃物的治理这一难题,也只有探索生态农业工程模式,即“寓处理于利用之中”才可能有出路Abstract: Agricultural non point pollution has become China's biggest pollutant now. And it is replacing the position of industrial and life pollution. As a result of fast development of scaled livestock farms in recent years, agro organic wastes are the major source of non point pollution, particularly the nitrate phosphate and COD. Chinese technicians invented biogas pond early in the beginning of the 20th century, which can recycling organic wastes and harvest biogas and bio fertilizer, etc. It has been playing the bonding role of Chinese ecological agriculture since the end of 70's of the 21th century. Biogas pond can not only effectively control the pollution caused by organic wastes, but also exert a powerful tool for value adding and providing more employment. So that the stagnate status of number of biogas pond has been broken under the circumstance of shortage of relevant laws and due financial compensation from the government remain, suggesting that in China the remedition of organic wastes from scaled livestock farms, which is still poser worldwide, should explore an approach to ecological agro engineering, i.e., to realize the control within the recycling and utilization process.