
    Integrated System of Rainwater Harvest and Water and Energy Saving Irrigation in Mountainous and Hilly Areas

    • 摘要: 针对山地丘陵地区的灌溉问题提出了因地制宜地将降雨集蓄与节水灌溉相结合,自压灌溉与机压灌溉相结合的观点,并按此观点设计了一个特点鲜明的集成系统。开发了有关技术,研制了相关设备,建立了相关设施,并将它们与已有的技术、设备、设施合理地结合起来以组成这一系统。试验表明该系统投资为6080/hm2元,年运行费用为1039.7/hm2元,与传统种植相比,增产波菜20%,效益费用比为4.36。因而这一系统对于山区丘陵地区是适用的。研究还表明,山地雨水集蓄可减少水土流失与侵蚀,有利于水土保持


      Abstract: A new idea of integrating rainwater harvest with water saving irrigation and of combining non powered irrigation with powered irrigation in line with local conditions for irrigating mountainous and hilly land was put forward. An integrated system with distinct characteristics was designed in accordance with the idea. Some technologies, equipment and installation were developed and combined rationally with those in existence for constructing the system. The test results showed that the system needed an investment of 6 080 Yuan/hm2 and its annual operating cost was 1 039.7 Yuan/hm2. Compared to traditional cultivation, it increased spinach yield by 20%, and its ratio of profit to cost was 4.36. Therefore the system is appropriate to mountainous and hilly regions for improving production. Moreover, harvesting and storing rainwater can reduce water and soil loss and erosion, which is helpful for water and soil conservation.


