
    Modeling of Water Absorption of Pinto Beans During Blanching and Soaking

    • 摘要: 在生产速食干豆过程中,主要包括浸泡、蒸煮和干燥等工序。浸泡的温度和时间直接影响到在浸泡过程中固性物的损失和最终产品的质量。该研究测定了班豆在浸泡过程中在不同温度和时间下的吸水和固性物的损失特性,同时利用数学模型预测了在变温情况下班豆的吸水特性。该研究结果将对生产高质量的速食班豆有一定的指导作用


      Abstract: Blanching and soaking are essential thermal processing steps in the process of precooked pinto beans. Appropriate blanching and soaking conditions could reduce antinutritional factors, such as trypsin inhibitors, improve the quality of finished products, and reduce processing time and solid losses. The characteristics of water absorption (hydration ratio and moisture content) and solid losses of pinto beans were measured at various temperatures (30 to 100℃) and time periods (5 min to 24 h). It was found that the hydration ratio, moisture content, and solid loss increased with the increased temperature and time. But the rate of water absorption decreased with the increase of time. To obtain high quality product with minimum processing time and solid loss, variable temperature for blanching and soaking is normally used. Models for predicting the hydration ratio and moisture content were developed and validated under variable blanching and soaking temperatures and time periods.


