
    Land Consolidation Planning and Design Based on MapInfo and AutoCAD

    • 摘要: 近年来,我国开展了大规模的土地整理工作,但各地土地整理规划设计方法落后,鲜有综合应用各种新技术辅助设计的。该文在分析MapInfo和AutoCAD各自辅助土地整理规划设计的优缺点后,提出并设计了MapInfo和AutoCAD有机集成辅助规划设计的方法。该方法在浙江省余姚土地整理项目中得到了较好的应用,极大地提高了土地整理规划设计的质量和效率


      Abstract: Recently, land consolidation is started all over the country, but methods of land consolidation planning and design are timeworn and lack of applications of Hi techs. The paper analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of MapInfo used for land consolidation planning and design, so as those of AutoCAD. A method of land consolidation planning and design discussed in the paper, combining MapInfo with AutoCAD together, is better than that of using them separately. This new method was used in the land consolidation project in Yuyao county, Zhejiang province, China. The application indicates the result is more precise and efficient.


