
    Discussion on a Precise Definition of "Sunlight Greenhouse"

    • 摘要: 日光温室是具有中国知识产权的温室建筑型式,适合中国国情,在我国北方地区有较大的发展。围绕日光温室的学术著作、论文以及国家和行业标准也有大量出版,但对日光温室的准确定义却五花八门,缺少统一的内容和定义方法。该文从日光温室的特征出发,分析了目前流行日光温室各种定义方法的优劣,在此基础上提出了一种统一的定义方法,并对其英文翻译方法作了分析和定义


      Abstract: The technical property rights of the "sunlight greenhouse" are owned by China. This greenhouse structure is well suited to Chinese conditions and is widely used in the Northern regions of China. There have been a lot of papers, publications and standards written on the greenhouse, but precise definitions of the greenhouse, including content and methodology, are multifarious and lack precision and consensus. In this paper, definitions from different sources and literatures were compared and analyzed on the basis of greenhouse characteristics. As a result, a more precise definition, in both Chinese and English, was suggested.


