
    Preliminary test of soil water influence on root system and yield of summer corn in subsurface drip irrigation

    • 摘要: 通过观测地下滴灌夏玉米全生育期不同生长阶段的土壤水分、根系的生长发育状况及其生物量、产量等,研究分析了地下滴灌不同的土壤水分处理条件下的土壤水分运移与分布规律,以及其对夏玉米的根系、产量和生物量的影响关系,建立了根系吸水模型,并研究其节水机理。阶段试验结果表明:地下滴灌可以高效地控制灌溉用水量,对作物的根系、产量及生物量产生直接影响;有可能通过土壤水分调控来影响作物能量的协调、平衡关系,达到最优根冠比,合理提高水的利用率和利用效率。


      Abstract: By experiment of subsurface drip irrigation, the parameters of soil water, root system, dry bio-mass of corn and its yield of kernel at different growth stages during whole growing season were measured. From these data, the movement and redistributing rule of soil water, its influence on the root system and yield of summer corn were analyzed. The results are helpful to find the relationship with each other and to study water-saving mechanisms in subsurface drip irrigation. The mathematical model of root water absorption was established. Test results showed that subsurface drip irrigation was an economical irrigation technology. It could change the influence of soil moisture on quantities of root system, dry bio-mass of corn and its yield of kernel by controlling irrigation water supply accurately. In this way, it could maintain a balance of energy and reach an excellent ratio root to canopy mass. At the same time, it enhanced water use efficiency and corn yield.


