
    Experimental study on performance of horizontal disc precision meter for corn seed

    • 摘要: 为了改善玉米水平圆盘精密排种器的排种性能,找出影响其排种性能的关键因素,按照GB6973-86《单粒(精密)播种机试验方法》中排种性能指标的计算方法,应用Lab Windows CVI软件编制的排种性能指标统计计算程序,计算各性能指标值;在自制的排种器试验台和多功能性能检测装置上,通过改变排种动盘不同的结构参数、转速、推刮种器型式和品种等因素,对其排种性能进行了对比试验。试验得出选择型孔数量为28、型孔型式为开槽小倒角和推刮种器选择滚珠式、转速取17 r/min,农大108选取动盘厚度为6 mm时,对应的合格指数A、重播指数D和漏播指数M分别为90.71、8.58和0.71,而唐玉十号选取动盘厚度为5 mm时,对应的合格指数A、重播指数D和漏播指数M分别为91.52、6.56和1.92,各性能指标均达到国标精密播种的要求。排种性能试验结果表明,提高水平圆盘精密排种器性能的途径和措施是保证动盘厚度、型孔型式、型孔数量和种子几何尺寸的合理匹配,且选择滚珠式推刮种器,能够达到高的性能指标。


      Abstract: To improve the metering performance of the horizontal plate precision meter for corn, some key factors of the metering performance were determined. Calculation methods of the metering performance indexes by GB6973-86, Single(Precision) Seeder Experimental Method, and the statistic program developed by the Lab Windows CVI software were applied to calculate different performance indexes; and comparative experiments of the metering performance were conducted by changing the structure parameters and rotational speed of the moving plate, pusher and ejector type, as well as using different seed type in the meter test-bed and checking device of the performance test. The results show that the metering performance indexes can meet the standard of the national precision meter, by selecting cell number with 28 and cell type with the notch and small edge angle, and pusher and ejector type with ball bearing at 17 r/min rotational speed, and a moving plate thickness of 6 mm for "Nongda 108". Under these conditions, qualification index A,overlapping seeding index D and missing seeding index M is 90.71, 8.58 and 0.71, respectively, while 5 mm for "Tangyu" No.10, qualification index A,overlapping seeding index D and missing seeding index M is 91.52, 6.56 and 1.92, respectively. The results confirm that the reasonable match among the moving plate thickness, the cell type and numbers, and the seed size, together with the ball bearing pusher, can improve the metering performance of the horizontal plate precision meter.


