
    Development of the order throwing maching for rice seedlings sprouted in the cell-tray

    • 摘要: 提出了一种人机结合的全自动2自由度机械手式穴盘水稻钵苗有序移栽机械的设计方案,由人驾驶操作实现机器作业的路径规划,由单片机控制的机械手自动地完成穴盘水稻秧苗的有序抛栽作业。该文讨论了该机械的结构和工作原理,给出了利用光电式传感器和磁电式传感器自动检测秧苗到位的两种方案并作了室内试验,结果表明在一定的工作距离范围内,两种传感器均可准确地检测到穴盘秧苗的到位。对机械手整体工作方式和秧夹开启方式进行了改进设计,将2个独立工作的、运动轨迹相似的机械手改进设计为合用一个水平运动机构,将原来利用电磁铁开启秧夹的方式改为利用24VDC电机驱动凸轮来开启秧夹,使设计更加合理。分秧滑道是所设计的有序行抛移栽机械的另一关键部件,对其实物模型进行了室内土槽台车试验,结果表明所设计的一组7条曲线型分秧滑道完全可以满足水稻秧苗有序抛秧移栽的农艺要求。


      Abstract: A manipulator type of the order-throwing machine was designed for the rice seedlings sprouted in the cell-tray at an industrial nursery. The manipulator has two degrees of freedom, one horizontal movement and one vertical movement. Its hand is the clip type gripper. The machine is operated by a person to determine the trajectory planning of the traveling path. The manipulator is controlled by a single-chip microcomputer and can automatically finish the processing work: gripping and pulling up rice seedlings from the plastic cell-tray and orderly throwing transplanted rice seedlings into paddy through the chutes. The construction and working principle of the order-throwing machine were introduced. The photo-electricity sensor (or electromagnetic sensor) was used to supervise whether rice seedlings arrived at the position of rice seedlings being gripped or not and the experiments were done in the laboratory. The two sensors have precision position inspection ability, that can operate at different fixed distances. The new scheme was put forward as a proposal to use a motor driving elliptic cam instead of an electromagnet to open the gripper. The whole design scheme was also made as a suggestion that two independent manipulator units can be merged together to make use of one horizontal movement mechanism. The experiment of chutes for separating rice seedlings was done on the test carriage in the soil bin laboratory. As a result, the rice seedlings passed through the chutes well. The 7-curve chute design meets the agronomic requirements of the rice seedlings orderly throwing transplant.


