
    Application of neural networks in the recognition of stored-grain pests

    • 摘要: 重点研究了基于图像识别的储粮害虫自动检测系统中的粮虫分类环节。对分割后的储粮害虫二值化图像,从10多个形态特征中选择出5个有效的特征;将GA和BP算法相结合来训练神经网络,克服了传统BP算法收敛速度慢、易陷入局部极小等缺陷,对4类害虫的20个样本的识别率达到100%,为系统的实际应用奠定了基础。


      Abstract: A study of pest classification in the stored-grain pests automatic detection system based on image recognition was conducted. From the binary pest images, we extracted over ten shape features and finally select five effective features. By combining genetic algorithm with BP algorithm, we trained a multi-layer forward neural network, and overcame the shortcomings of the conventional BP algorithm, such as the slow convergence and its tendency to fall into local minimum. By use of this neural network model, an experiment for recognizing twenty samples of four kinds of stored-grain pests was performed, and the accurate recognition ratio was up to 100 percent. This lays a foundation for the practical use of the system.


