
    Development and processing technology of alum free glass-noodle

    • 摘要: 加工粉丝(条)工艺中需要加入含铝物质——明矾,铝摄入过量对人体有害。从多种物质中筛选出的替代物A和增效剂在粉丝加中能替代明矾的作用,替代物和增效剂适宜添加量为淀粉量的0.5%和0.3%。马铃薯淀粉、玉米淀粉的混合原料有利于粉丝(条)的加工,适宜混合比例为70%马铃薯淀粉+30%玉米淀粉;加入马铃薯变性淀粉可以提高玉米淀粉的用量,适宜比例是50%马铃薯淀粉+40%玉米淀粉+10%马铃薯变性淀粉。生产无铝粉丝(条)需用搅拌机或胶体磨匀浆,在冷冻条件下开粉,加温或自然条件下干燥。


      Abstract: In the processing of glass-noodle, alum is applied. Since excessive intake of alum does harm to human health, a substitute and a synergist were selected to substitute alum in the processing. The proper dosages for the alum substitute and the synergist were 0.5% and 0.3%, respectively. A mixture of potato and corn starch is favorable for glass-noodle processing and the recommended ratio for them is 70% for the former and 30% for the later. When modified potato starch is applied, the percentage of corn starch can be raised, with a recommended ratio of 50% potato starch, 40% corn starch and 10% modified potato starch. During the processing of alum free glass-noodle, stirrer and colloidal millstone were used to homogenize the starch suspension, and the glass-noodle is separated under frozen conditions and is dried under high temperature or outdoors.


