
    Research and development of chinquapin exuviating technology and equipment

    • 摘要: 锥栗是福建建瓯市的著名特产,味美果香,为了开发各种各样的锥栗深加工新产品,首先必须解决锥栗的脱壳去红衣问题。研究分析了国内外各种板栗脱壳设备,并在此基础上,提出了锥栗脱壳新技术:锥栗经干燥后进行分选,按不同大小进入不同的锥栗脱壳机,脱壳机内双排刀滚高速切割锥栗外壳、然后高速击打去壳去衣,经脱壳后的锥栗在脱壳机出口处完成壳衣分离,再进入带式输送机进行分拣,未脱壳的少量板栗返回脱壳机,经分拣后的栗仁进入下一道工序。经过大量试验及测定,证明该技术脱壳率高、完整率高,脱壳成本低适合我国国情,并通过省级鉴定。


      Abstract: Chinquapin is largely yielded in Jian'ou county in Fujian Province of south China. It has a good flavour. Chinquapin has a firm shell that is very difficult to exuviate. New technology was introduced, and exuviating equipment was developed after analyzing several kinds of chestnut exuviaters. A series of test were conducted. First, chinquapins were dried and then separated. After that, the outer shell was exuviated by a high speed rotating shaft with many special knives. At last, shell and chinquapin were separated. A few unexuviated chinquapin were picked out by hand and fed back to exuviator. This technology ensures high exuviating efficiency and high integrity of the unshelled chinquapin kernels. It is very suitable for Chinese farming conditions. It has been approved by concerned departments of the government of Fujian Province.


