
    Developing trends of regional land consolidation in China

    • 摘要: 在全国土地整理区划的基础上,对一级区和二级区的土地整理方向进行了初步探讨。提出在东部发达地区土地整理的方向是以市场为导向,建立以有机农业为特征的高标准农田,进行土地深层次整理;中部农业区土地整理面向我国大型现代化的商品粮生产基地建设,维护我国粮食安全作为该区土地整理的主要方向;西部开发区土地整理以提高水资源有效利用率、改善生态环境同加强农田基本建设相结合为土地整理的主要方向。同时,在一级区的控制下,分别探讨了全国22个亚区土地整理的发展方向。


      Abstract: The direction of land consolidation at the primary and secondary regionional levels, based on state land consolidation regionalization. In the east developed region, the direction of land consolidation suggests the development of further land consolidation, and the construction of high standard farmland as the character of organic agriculture facing to the open market. In the middle agricultural region, the main purpose of land consolidation should service the construction of a large base of modern commercial food productivity to maintain food security. In the west-developing region, land consolidation should combine construction of essential farmland with improving the ecological environment and increasing water use efficiency. Further more, the article discusses the land consolidation direction of each of 22 secondary region at the control of the first region.


