
    Water-saving and protected agriculture in the Mediterranean area and its reference to arid and semi-arid agriculture of China

    • 摘要: 近几十年来,地中海地区由于气候、市场、能源、交通等自然、社会、经济因素的共同作用,形成了规模较大、分布较为集中、生产技术水平较高的节水高效设施农业,已经和正在为这一地区的社会、经济发展产生巨大的推动作用。我国广大干旱半干旱地区在自然、气候等方面与地中海地区有若干相似之处,如淡水短缺、光照充足、能源丰富等。借鉴地中海地区的成功经验,引进、消化、吸收该地区的先进、实用技术(如设施温度和光照控制技术、设施气体调控技术、节水灌溉及定量施肥技术、低毒、高效及无公害植保技术等),将对我国西部干旱半干旱地区农业的快速、持续发展有一定的促进作用。


      Abstract: Recent years, water-saving and protected agriculture on great scale, centralized distribution and high productivity was formed in the Mediterranean area because of Mediterranean climatic condition, European market, Middle East energy, and convenient transportation, etc. In arid and semi-arid area of China, some natural conditions, such as shortage of fresh water, richness of solar radiation and energy, are similar to those of the Mediterranean area. Based on the natural, social, and economic conditions of arid and semi-arid area in China, the production techniques (i.e. control techniques of temperature, solar radiation, and gas, ferti gation techniques, plant protection techniques, etc.) from the Mediterranean area were introduced. Taking its measures as references to develop water-saving and protected cultivation will be an important way for arid and semi-arid agriculture of China.


