
    Experimental study on soil erosion by wind under conservation tillage

    • 摘要: 在河北省北部的丰宁县坝上地区建立农田土壤风蚀试验区,采用美国BSNE采样器观测不同耕作处理条件下的农田风蚀土壤损失情况。试验结果表明:在风蚀过程中,土壤颗粒主要集中在近地表层运动,悬浮在空气中的土壤颗粒随着高度的增加逐渐减少,且与高度之间符合幂函数关系;风蚀土壤颗粒粒度组成随高度增加,砂粒级颗粒含量减少,而粉砂及粘土含量增加;免耕覆盖(NTC)、免耕覆盖+耙(NTCH)和免耕无覆盖(NTN)三种处理分别比传统翻耕减少风蚀量73.75%、75.31%和14.17%,由秸秆覆盖和少免耕相结合的保护性耕作可明显地减少农田土壤损失;在覆盖和耕作两因素中,覆盖对减小风蚀的作用最大,地表耕作的作用次之;另外,保护性耕作地能够减少农田土壤养分损失。


      Abstract: A field experiment was conducted on farmland in the North Hebei Province to measure the soil loss by wind erosion under different tillage treatments. BSNE sandy samplers were used to collect the soil particles during the soil erosion by wind event. The result showed that the majority of the eroded material moved near the surface. The relationship between the mass of the particles suspended in the air and the height was fitted as a power function. With increasing height, the percent of sand decreased, while the percent of silt and clay increased. Compared to conventional moldboard plough practice (CK), no-tillage with residue cover (NTC), no-tillage with residue cover and harrow (NTCH) and no-tillage without residue cover (NTN), could reduce the soil loss by 73.75%, 75.31% and 14.17%, respectively. Conservation tillage, which features more residue cover and less soil disturbance, could remarkably reduce soil loss; since residue cover was found to be more efficient for soil conservation. Compared with the residue cover, the effect of surface tillage on soil erosion by wind was not so obvious. In addition, conservation tillage could reduce the nutrient loss of the soil.


