
    Automatic weighing and selection system of individual cocoon and batch measuring in silkworm breeding

    • 摘要: 为提高家蚕育种效率,满足家蚕育种工作者要求,利用Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows开发设计了家蚕育种个体、蛾区自动称量与选择系统。该系统通过串行接口采用零Modem连接方式将两台电子天平与计算机相连接,通过MSComm通讯控件实现对蚕茧个体、蛾区称量数据的自动采集,采用Bayes判别函数和聚类分析法自动根据称量结果对蚕茧个体作雌雄识别,采用基于数量遗传理论设计的综合选择指数进行个体选择,并方便地实现称量数据的查询和管理。


      Abstract: In order to enhance breeding efficiency and meet the needs of breeding experts, an automatic weighing and selection system of individual cocoon and batch measuring in silkworm breeding was developed with Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows. In this system, two electronic balances are controlled through a computer by serial interface and Non-Modem link method. The system achieved the following: firstly, it can automatically collect and calculate data of individual cocoon and batch measuring by MSComm communication control; secondly, based on weighing data, it can automatically discriminate sex through the Bayesian discriminant function and clustering analysis; thirdly, the system provides many methods of individual selection; finally, it is convenient for the query and management of measured data.


