
    Development of software platform for virtual experiment on handling and stability of vehicle based OpenGL

    • 摘要: 在桌面虚拟现实系统(Desk-top Virtual Reality)下,利用OpenGL(Open Graphics Library)开发了“汽车操纵稳定性虚拟试验软件平台”。介绍了虚拟试验的意义、采用OpenGL作为开发虚拟试验软件平台的原因,提出了虚拟试验平台的功能要求,给出了完成其功能的若干关键技术的实现方法。虚拟试验为车辆运动仿真提供了一种新的研究手段。


      Abstract: On the Desk-top Virtual Reality System, a software platform of the virtual experiment on handling and stability of vehicle is developed by means of OpenGL (Open Graphics Library). In this paper, the meanings of the virtual experiment and the reasons OpenGL was selected to develop the platform are introduced. The functions of the platform are also presented. Some key technical details of the software platform are also introduced, for example, in displaying three-dimmensional images, in changing the virtual experiment scene, in scaling, rotating and translating of view-port. The virtual experiment is a new method in vehicle motive simulation.


