
    Continuous concentration of EPA and DHA from fish oil by supercritical CO2

    • 摘要: 为了克服鱼油有效组分超临界CO2间歇萃取方法的缺点,设计建造了超临界CO2在内径14 mm、填料高1.8 m的填料塔中连续萃取浓缩鱼油有效组分的流程。根据单因素试验的结果,对工艺参数进行优化。设计了4因素3水平并考虑部分交互作用的正交试验方案,以综合指标进行评价,得到了优化工艺参数为:填料塔压为12.5 MPa;CO2流量为5L/min;鱼油进料流量为0.8 mL/min;塔的温度分布为40~85℃。经方差分析得知,温度分布的影响对综合指标高度显著,鱼油进料流量对综合指标的影响显著,试验范围内的压力、CO2流量、压力和温度分布交互作用、温度分布和CO2流量交互作用以及压力和CO2流量交互作用对综合指标没有显著影响。


      Abstract: In order to overcome the disadvantages of a batch flow, a continuous flow was designed to concentrate EPA and DHA from fish oil by supercritical CO2 extraction technology in packed-tower with a diameter of 14 mm and a padding height of 1.8 m. Then, on the basis of single-fact experiments, the technological parameters were optimized by orthogonal tests which include 3 factors and 4 levels, with the consideration of interaction among 3 factors, in which a comprehensive index was used as a test target. The results showed that the optimum column pressure was 12.5 MPa, temperature distribution was 40~85℃, CO2 flow 5 L/min, and fish oil feed flow was 0.8 mL/min. It was found that the temperature distribution factor was very prominent, followed by the factor of fish oil feed flow. The effects of pressure and CO2 flow, as well as the interactive effects among pressure and temperature distribution, temperature distribution and CO2 flow, and pressure and CO2 flow were not prominent.


