
    Extraction technology and anti-constipation function of tannins from wild Patrinia Villosa

    • 摘要: 对单宁的提取工艺做了研究,对料液比、温度、提取时间分别进行了单因素试验和L9(33)正交试验,并且对单宁的抗便秘防腹泻功能进行了研究。结果显示最佳工艺为料液比1∶60、温度45℃、提取时间6 h,提取率(相对于被提取的苦菜质量)为3.60%。经动物试验显示:苦菜单宁能够较强地促进小鼠小肠的蠕动,明显减少排便次数,说明苦菜单宁对便秘和腹泻有双向治疗作用,且抗便秘作用优于苦菜果胶和苦菜多糖。


      Abstract: Patrinia Villosa (P.V.) can cure diarrhea, and it can also relieve constipation. It is possible that tannins is one of the important components existing in leaves, stems and water-solution extracts of P.V. with the above functions. So the extraction technology of tannins from wild P.V. was studied, and the single factor test and orthogonal experiment design methods (L9(33)) were applied to analyze the influence of solid-liquid ratio, temperature and time on the extraction percentage of tannins from the water solution of P.V.. The effect of tannins on preventing diarrhea and relieving constipation was also studied. The results indicated that the optimum solid-liquid ratio, temperature and extraction time were respectively 1∶60, 45℃ and 6 h. Under this condition, the extraction percentage of tannins was 3.60%. Compared with P.V. polysaccharides, P.V. pectin and other samples, the animal test indicated that tannins from wild P.V. showed significantly high effect (P<0.05) on small intestine peristalsis of mice. Mouse feed with tannins reduces the times of defecation within 6 hours, and prolongs the time before initial defecation, and its function is just slightly inferior to P.V. Pectin. It shows that tannins is one of the most important components of wild P.V. for preventing diarrhea and constipation.


