
    Principle and efficiency of oxygen enrichment of dynamic solution surface in nutrient solution

    • 摘要: 经过对国内外水培技术中各自独具特色的增氧技术和方法的总结和分析,提出了营养液深液流栽培的动态液位增氧法(DSS)。DSS利用了滴液法、液流法、露根法、湿气根法等几方面增氧的原理和方法,在由水泵向栽培槽中供给营养液时,在回液套管的作用下,营养液向栽培槽底面流动,这种流动方式,有利于向植株根系更好地供应养分和氧气;在水泵停止工作时,随着液面的不断下降,植株的上层根系便暴露在空气中,可以充分进行氧气的吸收,以弥补营养液中氧含量的亏缺。


      Abstract: The method of dynamic solution surface (DSS), used in the deep solution flow culture, was put forward after having summarized and analyzed the technique and methods of oxygen enrichment used in the hydro-culture. DSS applied the following technique and methods: solution dripping, solution flowing, root exposure and moisture root. When the nutrient solution was pumped into the planting beds, it was led to flow toward the bottom of the planting beds by the sleeve pipe. The flowing of nutrient solution can offer more nutrition and oxygen to the plant root. When the pump stopped, the solution surface fell down. That would result in the up-root of the plant being exposed in the air, in which the oxygen could be absorbed sufficiently.


