
    Progress in electrical properties of agricultural materials

    • 摘要: 该文通过对国内外农业物料电特性研究资料的分析,阐述了农业物料电特性的概念、种类及意义,介绍了农业物料电特性的4种测试方式和阻抗特性、介电特性的几种测量方法,并对各种测量方法的优缺点进行了系统分析和总结,概述了国内外对植物、动物及微生物等农业物料电特性的研究状况和应用,指出了目前农业物料电特性研究的不足,为今后研究及发展趋势提出了建议和意见。对进一步深入研究农业物料电特性及其应用具有参考价值和指导意义。


      Abstract: The conception and varieties of electrical properties of agricultural materials and the meaning of current studies by analyzing research data are explained. It introduces the measurement methods of electrical properties of agricultural material, and compares the merits and defects of various methods. The state of research and uses of the electrical properties of plants, animals and microbes in recent years were outlined. Some opinions and suggestions for current and further developments were given. That will provide reference and guidance for further study the electrical properties and uses of agricultural materials.


