With the development of society, economy, science and technology, there is a great demand for the advanced talents majored in biosystems engineering, who have both the life science background and the engineering technology background. The international tendency that the agricultural engineering discipline was extended to agricultural and biosystems engineering discipline, and the necessity to constitute the biosystems engineering program under agricultural engineering discipline were discussed. The definition, focusing research areas, training objectives, and employment prospect were formulated. It was concluded that the establishment of biosystems engineering program was the objective demand of the development of society, economy, science and technology, was in accordance with international mainstream and forefront development tendency of agricultural engineering discipline, would be favorable to expanding the agricultural engineering discipline, enhancing the crossing and infiltrating between engineering technology and life science, boosting the converting of agricultural engineering discipline to agricultural and biosystems engineering discipline in our country, and helping the agricultural engineers in our country to follow and catch up with the development of international agricultural engineering technology.