
    Designing and developing of farmland gradation information system based on GIS

    • 摘要: 根据农用地分等规程同时参照分等试点省份的实践工作,设计开发了基于GIS的农用地分等信息系统。在系统设计中,综合运用了现代地理信息系统和数据库处理、分析技术,在充分体现系统透明性的前提下,实现了农用地分等过程的自动化。该文介绍了该系统的技术路线、数据库结构和功能结构,并根据该系统在安徽省明光市的应用情况进行了总结。实践验证表明,该系统符合规程思想,运行可靠,可以大大提高农用地分等工作效率。


      Abstract: According to the regulations of farmland gradation and the experiments in some provinces, the GIS-based software LandFD system was designed by using modern GIS and Database technology, which achieves the objective of being automatic and lucid to the users. The paper analyzed the database structure and the functions. The system have been used in Mingguang Municiplity, Anhui Province. The result shows that the technical procedure of the system is consistent with the principles of the farmland classification regulations. The software runs stably and enhances the efficiency of farmland gradation.


