
    Optimal design of water supply lines in drip irrigation systems for distributed crop fields and water resources from water harvesting pits

    • 摘要: 窑窖集雨滴灌成为解决我国干旱半干旱地区水资源短缺的途径之一。该文分析了窑窖分散式水源特点:水量较小,零星分布,管道设计困难,系统管理繁杂。以在农作物缺水关键期进行灌溉为出发点,根据水窖和地块分散的特点,通过对水窖输水线路优化设计,降低灌溉的管理和工程造价,设计最佳滴灌输水路线,达到水源联合调度的目的,并与传统设计方法和图论优化设计法进行了比较。所提出的设计方法适合解决各种地形条件下分布水源的输水路线布置问题。


      Abstract: Drip irrigation with harvested water in pits is becoming an important solution to water resource shortage in the arid and semi-arid areas of West and North west China. The water harvesting pits are featured with their characteristics, such as small in water storing capacity, sparsely distributed, difficult in pipeline layout and complicated in system management. Based on irrigating crops at the key growth stages, main pipe used for water supply and laterals were used to deliver water into individually distributed field plots, in aim of reducing investment and for the convenience of irrigation management. An optimization design method was advanced to design the optimal water supply lines, for the purpose of supplying water from various water resources of pits to numerous crop plots with a unified pipe system. The method was compared with both the traditional method and graph theory method to validate its feasibility. The new method is applicable to the design of water supply pipe lines in drip irrigation systems under distributed crop fields and water resources from water harvesting pits.


