
    Experimental research on effect of surface and subsurface waterlogging in stage of cotton flowering and boll set on yield

    • 摘要: 在南方易涝易渍地域,棉花花铃期适逢雨季,常受涝渍综合胁迫,对生长发育和产量均有较大影响。笔者利用测坑试验对该问题进行了研究,建立了涝渍灾害型农田4种排水控制指标模式,初步提出了棉花花铃期的涝渍综合排水控制指标,探讨了体现涝渍兼治的排水控制指标。


      Abstract: In the regions vulnerable to surface and subsurface waterlogging, the stage of cotton flowering and boll set is just in rainy season. Cotton often meets comprehensive stress from surface and subsurface waterlogging. It makes a greater influence upon the growth and yield of cotton. The problem was studied via test-pit experiment. And 4 models of dominated drainage indices were established for those farmland, which are vulnerable to surface and subsurface waterlogging. The dominated drainage indices that combine surface and subsurface waterlogging were given preliminarily. And the indices that reflect control combining surface waterlogging and subsurface waterlogging were discussed.


