
    Slide position intelligent learning control of mechanical press

    • 摘要: 该文提出了基于专家知识的迭代学习控制方法应用于机械压力机滑块行程中任意位置的停止。该控制方法比原有的寸动调节滑块位置法不仅效率高,而且调节精度也更好,同时建立了相应新的机械压力机计算机控制系统。通过在JH23-63型机械压力机上的大量试验表明,以该文提出的方法为核心的计算机控制对于机械压力机滑块的全行程位置控制十分有效,而且具有精度高、节省能源的优点。


      Abstract: A new iterative learning control strategy based on the expert knowledge used in the slide of mechanical press is proposed. The slide can be stopped on a accurate position at any point of the slide travel. The proposed strategy is more efficient and accurate than the tiny step operation method. A new computer control system is developed for the mechanical press. It is shown that a lot of experimental results using the new control strategy on press JH23-63 is highly accurate and efficient.


