
    Decision support system for crop diseases and insect pests prevention and control based on GIS

    • 摘要: 系统将植保知识、人工智能技术、地理信息系统(GIS)、决策支持系统(DSS)有机结合起来,能够对主要作物病虫害进行预测、决策、诊断、咨询,并将抽象的数据转化成清晰简明的电子地图,直观显示病虫害发生程度及地域分布规律,为病虫害防治提供服务。


      Abstract: The system combines plant protection knowledge with artificial intelligence, GIS and Decision Ssupport System(DSS) technology. It can complete prediction, decision-making and consultation on pests of crops. It can transform data information into map of geographical information. It has a potential usage for pest control on crops.


