
    Application of visualization technology, model-document-view architecture in crop simulation

    • 摘要: 该研究利用可视化技术和“模型-文档-视”的管理模式,试图改进作物模型系统的用户界面和系统组织结构。利用Hermite曲线模拟水稻叶片的形态,将作物模拟结果图形化、图像化,使水稻生长模拟的结果直观化。并在面向对象编程技术的基础上,将MFC的“文档-视”的结构扩展为“模型-文档-视”结构,使作物模拟系统中数值模拟、数据管理和用户界面的设计相互分离,且系统中的类与类之间能有效进行数据交换;整个系统可整合为几个“模型-文档-视”组,使系统结构简化,易于管理,是对面向对象编程技术的一种扩展。本研究表明:采用“模型-文档-视”模式编程能使整个作物模型系统结构简明,提高研究人员的编程效率;可视化技术的使用,使用户能直接将模拟结果与田间生长状况进行比较,易于做出正确的栽培决策。


      Abstract: In this research, graphic technology was applied to crop simulation for visualizing the simulation results. The users can directly compare the practical situation with the visualized simulation results, and make appropriate cultivation decision. Based on Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) and the characteristics of crop simulation system, the Document-View architecture in Micosoft Foundation Classes(MFC) was extended as Model-Document-View(MDV) architecture, which separates the models, data management and user interfaces. The architecture makes the communication between classes more efficient, and the simulation system can be integrated into several MDV groups with the architecture. The architecture, as an extension of the OOP, simplifies the structure of simulation system and systematic management. The observed values and simulated values of "Zhongjian-100" in 2000 by Visual Rice Growth Model(VRGM) were also compared in this paper.


