
    Effective preservation of Penaeus Orientalis using microwave and nuclear radiation

    • 摘要: 研究了采用常压、高压和辐照杀菌处理方式对微波烤制的熟虾进行保藏的技术,以探讨其贮藏时限和产品品质的变化。研究结果表明:1~5 d的短期贮藏,常压杀菌和2 kGy辐照就能保证色泽、品质和滋味;而高温杀菌和6 kGy、8 kGy 辐照杀菌,能有效降低微波烤虾腐败微生物含量,在常温保藏150 d可达商业无菌。但随着贮藏时间的延长,滋味发生变化。另外,甘氨酸大幅度降低,烤虾特有鲜味明显不足。


      Abstract: The processing quality of Penaeus orientalis, such as taste and color, using nuclear radiation, pressure and storage periods was studied. The results show that 2 kGy of nuclear radiation and normal pressure can only reduce the number of putrid microorganisms to some extent. But the seafood of P. orientalis can not be stored for a long time. Six or eight kGy of nuclear radiation can cut down the number of putrid microorganisms so effectively as to reach the standard of "germs free" in the business circle. Although P. orientalis can be sterilized and stored for six months under normal temperature, GLY resulted in large loss and the delicious taste is obviously weakened.


