In order to solve the problems that low temperature well water irrigated rice in well irrigation districts, the sunning water pool was set up to increase the water temperature, and to prevent the emergence of damage caused by cold water in the field production process. According to the model of solar radiation-water-soil system and the approach to solving the differential equation, the mechanism of increasing water temperature in the sunning water pool was researched. The balancing water temperature mathematics model was established in static state. The method was put forward to calculate the parameters in the balancing water temperature formulation in the sunning water pool in static state. The model was built up to forecast the increasing water temperature in dynamic state. It was tested and verified by the surveyed water temperature of Qixing farm in Jiansanjiang cultivated district, the result of which conformed accurately to the surveyed data. The maximum calculated relative error was only 9.6 percent, which suggested that this model provide scientific basis for increasing the water temperature in the sunning water pool in well irrigation rice district.