
    Technological optimizatation for hydrolysis of rapeseed albumin with alcalase

    • 摘要: 采用响应曲面法对碱性蛋白酶(alcalase)水解菜籽清蛋白工艺进行系统地研究。确定最佳水解条件如下:温度50℃、酶浓度0.38 AU/g、底物浓度4.87%。同时,葡聚糖凝胶(Sephadex G-25)柱层析显示水解物较原清蛋白分子量变小。氨基酸组成分析结果表明菜籽清蛋白水解物可作为一种营养丰富的食品添加剂加以广泛利用。


      Abstract: The limited hydrolysis process for rapeseed albumin (RSA) with alcalase was systematically studied through response surface methodology (RSM). The optimum conditions were established, which included hydrolyzing temperature (50℃), enzyme concentration (0.38 Anson Units per gram of substrate) and concentration of substrate (4.87%). The gel filtration chromatography (Sephadex G-25) profile showed the major albumin protein was degraded after hydrolysis. In addition, the amino acid profiles indicated that hydrolyzed rapeseed albumin could be used as an additive with great potential in food industry.


