
    Water high efficiently utilization pattern and demonstration for canal irrigation farmland

    • 摘要: 该文系在完成“九五”国家农业高效用水科技产业示范工程项目“渠灌类型区农业高效用水模式与产业化示范”专题研究的基础之上,结合示范区建设及运行管理等情况总结而成。在分析研究渠灌类型区农业用水存在问题的基础上,首先提出了渠灌类型区实现农业高效用水的基本思路,依据上述思路确立了提高渠灌区输水过程用水效率、田间灌溉过程用水效率与生产效率,以及提高灌区工程运行管理水平的技术与措施;其次,根据以上研究结果进一步确立了渠灌类型区农业高效用水的模式,并建立了相应的实体模型进行工程示范,初步验证和确立了这种高效用水模式。


      Abstract: This paper was based on the summary of the special topic research project of "Water High-Efficiency Utilization Pattern and Demonstration for Canal Irrigation Farmland" from the national "Ninth Five-Years-Plan", as well as the work of demonstration zone construction and management. The basic idea for achieving high efficiency utilization of water in canal irrigation farmland is put forward first, based on the analysis of the present problems in this area. Some techniques and measurements were found to improve the water use efficiency during water delivery, irrigation in field, and water production efficiency. Secondly, the water high efficiency utilization pattern as well as the demonstration model was presented. This utilization pattern was proved to be high efficient by the demonstration model. The demonstration project results show that this utilization pattern has great significance for practical application and demonstration.


