
    Review on technical parameters of subsurface drip irrigation for soil water control

    • 摘要: 分析了渗灌条件下土壤水分的运动规律,对渗灌调控土壤水分的有关技术参数如渗灌管埋深、间距、灌水压力、渗灌管的允许长度和出流量等研究进行了概括,并提出了渗灌技术参数今后的研究重点:对渗灌参数进行综合研究及水分运移规律等方面的研究。


      Abstract: The pattern of soil water movement under subsurface drip irrigation was analyzed, parameters for subsurface drip irrigation, for instance, buried depth, spacing, limited length, water flux of the laterals and operating pressure of subsurface drip irrigation were discussed. Some key points for the study on subsurface drip irrigation, such as comprehensive study on the parameters of subsurface drip irrigation, and water movement in soil, especially optimizing irrigation parameters, were pointed out.


