
    Research on multifunctional non-clogging sewage pump

    • 摘要: 针对普通排污泵存在的清淤问题,研究开发了多功能清淤无堵塞排污泵。该泵在无堵塞排污泵的四周设计了多冲头的环行管路,泵出口的侧面有一个装滤网的通孔,滤网的位置垂直于水平面,通孔与环行管路相通并与多冲头的喷嘴相通。当排污泵抽送污水污物时,有一部分污水经滤网过滤后通过环行管路从各个冲头的喷嘴喷向污水池中的沉淀物,经高压水把沉淀物冲击、搅拌成悬浮物,通过无堵塞排污泵排出池内外。叙述了多功能清淤无堵塞泵的设计方法,并给出了该泵的性能测试结果,最后总结了该泵的优点。


      Abstract: A new kind of multifunctional non-clogging sewage pump, which is used to avoid the problem of traditional sewage ones, was developed. The non-clogging sewage pump, which has a circular pipe with multi-nozzle, is the main component of the equipment. Some of the water filtrated by a net, which comes from the outlet of the pump, is directed to strike the sediment to make them suspending to be pumped away. At last, the design procedure for the non-clogging pump together with its experimental data was mentioned and meanwhile its advantages were concluded.


