
    Exploring on optimum matching of vehicle toe-in and camber

    • 摘要: 前轮定位参数仍然是困扰运输机械生产的难题。该文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,基于前轮侧滑机理,考虑轮胎特性和车辆结构参数推导了前束值与外倾角合理匹配关系。并且用YZK1026B型皮卡车的侧滑试验验证该算法的正确性,为车辆在改进设计过程中前束值与外倾角合理匹配提供参考。同时,提出了前束侧偏力概念供商讨。


      Abstract: The design of front wheel alignment parameters is still one of the problems of vehicle product developing. According to the research achievement of matching relations of vehicle toe-in and camber, a new calculation method on vehicle front wheel toe-in and camber was developed, considering the mechanism and the properties of tires and construct parameters of vehicle. The new formula was proved by the side slip tests of a YZK1026B model picking-up truck. A series of the results on front wheel side slip were tested by changing the sample truck front wheel toe-in. That can improve the match of front wheel toe-in and camber in the the properties of vehicle front wheel alignment parameters. In this paper a new concept on cornering force of toe-in was put forward.


